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The State of Birth

online symposium

13 & 14th Nov 2021

Keynote Speakers and Teachers


Liz Koch

Liz Koch is a conceptual artist exploring the deep sensory system and the wild wisdom of core PSOAS.

An international teacher and author with 45 years of experience she is the creator of CoreAwareness and the author of The Psoas Book, Core Awareness: Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise & Dance, Stalking Wild Psoas: Embodying Your Core Intelligence and her upcoming new book BIRTH SAVVY.

Liz fosters kinesthetic intelligence and somatic awareness for developing our human potential. Stalking Wild Psoas is her passion and Changing the Language of Body is her mission.


Jenny Burrell

Jenny Burrell is the head of Burrell Education one of the UK's leading-edge educators in the field of modern Pregnancy, Post Baby, 3rd Age (Peri-to Post-Menopause) and Female Fitness, Wellness, Massage + Bodywork Therapies.

The Mission is to ensure that no woman gets left behind when it come to her being deeply educated about her own body and empower to be her own deepest advocate for her health in both good and challenging times.


Tessa Sanderson

Tessa Sanderson PhD is an experienced yoga teacher with 16+ years of teaching pregnancy yoga and birth preparation. She is the Prenatal and Postnatal trainer for the Yoga Teachers Forum.

She is the author of Pearls of Birth Wisdom: An Inner Journey with Insights, Stories and Practices and The Pregnancy & Birth Colouring Book with Yoga Nidra. She has also written and illustrated children's books about changing bodies and periods.

Tessa collaborates on projects with midwives through her local Maternity Voices Partnership and is passionate about supporting physiological birth through excellent antenatal education.


Nick Stolerman

Nick Stolerman is a Kundalini yoga & meditation teacher and gong player. He teaches at events, privately and in groups.

He also creates workplace yoga & meditation programmes to support the healthy mental and physical wellbeing of staff.

His approach is to be accessible and relevant to all, with a focus on mental agility and resilience rather than physical prowess.


Kemi Johnson

Kemi Johnson is a Mother, total Birth nerd, Birthkeeper midwife, Birth activist and Birth educator.

She hosts the Clubhouse Room 'Physiological Birth Club'



Stephanie Larson

Stephanie Larson is the Dancing For Birth Founder and Master Trainer USA. She created Dancing For Birth™ classes based on her experiences utilizing dance and movement for short, euphoric births personally and with her doula and childbirth education clients.

She now facilitates Dancing For Birth™ Instructor and Trainer trainings. Larson’s speaking engagements and TV appearances include DONA International, Lamaze International, CAPPA, ICAN, CBS and NBC.


Molly O'Brien

Molly O'Brien is an experienced midwife with over 20 year of practice under her belt. During her career she's been a  hypnobirth and birth preparation teacher, an associate university lecturer, has created courses for midwives, campaigned for midwife led birth units and been a passionate student and enabler of normal physiological birth.


She left clinical practice in April 2018 to give her full attention to teaching the course I developed for Birth Professionals. She's taught ‘Biomechanics for Birth’ to hundreds of Birth professionals and associates in the UK, Spain, Chile and now globally, receiving a universally enthusiastic response.


Rehana Jawadwala

Rehana Jawadwala is the Founder of MummyYoga, which includes the innovative Keep Me Close Babywearing Yoga classes. These are endorsed by Attachment Parenting UK.

She is the author of Why Pregnancy & Postnatal Exercise Matter, published by Pinter & Martin. Rehana has spent the last 20+ years in the health and fitness industry internationally, both in the commercial setting and academia. She has a PhD in exercise physiology and nutrition.

She is also the chair of Maternity Voices Partnership at the Countess of Chester NHS trust. Rehana is a perinatal mental health champion and led the launch of a Mothers™ Mental Health Matters Project


Rachelle Garcia Seliga

Rachelle Garcia Seliga is the creator and director of INNATE Postpartum Care - a postpartum wellness training for birth and healthcare professionals, which has trained hundreds of practitioners and supports thousands of Mothers and families worldwide.

Rachelle embraces the original meaning of the word ‘midwife,’ which is caretaker of the people's health from ‘womb to tomb,' and has spent the past 19 years working with women and families, in service to woman-centered/ family-centered birth, health and Life.

Rachelle is the co-founder of Starseed Root School of Traditional Healing and Revillaging Project. All of her work is dedicated to midwifing a cultural shift – honoring our innate wisdom, personal authority, and the sanctity of Life.


Susie Ro

Susie Ro is a dynamic workshop leader as well as a talented singer-songwriter, voice coach, medicine musician, composer for choirs, ceremonial singer and Yoga Nidra teacher.

She tours internationally with her popular harmony singing workshops, soulful concerts, retreats, improvisation weekends, DreamSong evenings and teacher training courses, sharing her heart-felt music and joy of singing together wherever she goes.

Susie also shares a lot of work online, and recently launched her 'The Living Instrument' eCourse.

For enquiries please contact Tessa at or Julia at

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